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Best Approach To Better Twitter Marketing Strategy

Twitter is a social site used today by thousands of businesses for micro-blogging.

For any business, Twitter is an incredible marketing and PR tool.

Here is the best approach to successful micro-blogging.


1. Choose carefully who to follow on Twitter

 On Twitter, what you will come across in terms of updates and knowledge is going to directly depend on the people you follow. Always remember that your incoming stream should stay relevant.

2.      Organize the Twitter accounts you follow

It might be a good idea to actually organize your incoming stream into lists using Twitter tools including Tweetdeck and Hootsuite . This helps you keep tract of those topics that you particularly care about.

 3.      Don’t think twice about blocking irrelevant accounts

Like on the social media giant Facebook, Twitter offers its registered users the possibility to block other Twitter accounts. So if you have spammy accounts following you, don’t think twice. Block them.

4.      Don’t make retweeting people a point of pride

On Twitter, businesses often make it a point not to retweet other people’s updates. This is not the right approach. As a matter of fact, you should be retweeting people you wish to build a rapport with.  If you come across something useful or interesting, share the good stuff. What’s the harm in that?


5.      Always find new people to follow

Always make it a point to find new and relevant Twitter accounts to follow. One of the best ways to do this is to find the time and research the Twitter streams of the people you follow. The site’s Advanced Search function might also be helpful.

6.      Streamline the things you share on Twitter

To most businesses, social media marketing is a joke but it’s not. You see, having a Facebook account with hundreds of fans or a Twitter account with hundreds of followers is not really the goal you want to set for your marketing strategy. What you should be doing is engaging your audience and finding the triggers that will convert potential customers into buyers. So don’t share just about anything you find on the web because you can’t be bothered to come up with good stuff. Invest in the content you share.

7.      Use the weapons in your arsenal, for example ‘Favorite’

Did you know that each time you favorite someone’s content or Twitter update they get notified about it? Use this to your advantage. That right there is an incredible tool you have to dangle your name in front of people you respect and wish to connect with.

8.      Learn the semantics of the micro-blogging site

If you’ve been on Facebook or Twitter for long enough, you would know that people on a social site tend to speak a language characteristic to that particular social network. Learn the secret language of Twitter. Of course you can refer to the Twitter Glossary but more importantly you want to pay attention to how other people are using the social site.